Last week I got an auto-responder from an OSC.
It was funny, it had all the contacts I needed, and in what I can only assume was a millenial dog whistle, they admitted they’d probably be watching their email if the recipient really couldn’t get the help they needed from the above listed support.
Here’s your reminder: get your away message ready.
This won’t be a long technical post because I sincerely hope you are getting ready or are already logged off for at least the next 48 hours. Even if you’re working Friday, my wish is you are completely unplugged on Thursday.
Save this email for when you get back, I’ve got some encouragement for you.
P.S. Do not, and I mean DO NOT, log into your CRM or your email on Thursday.
No “it’s easier if I do it” or “I have nothing better to do.”
You do have something better to do and that’s to disconnect. I don’t care if you don’t have plans with other people, make plans with yourself to recharge and take the pause.
I only have one last thing to say:
Ok, ready to talk about what’s after this week? I thought so.
We’ve ushered in the final stretch of the year and there’s a million things to get done. Maybe you are a planner and are all set, or maybe circumstances just aren’t allowing that this year. That’s ok.
That’s why I wrote you this post on the ten weeks leading up to the end of the year, including a link to a free download that will give you a weekly play-by-play of what to execute on:
When you return for week 6 of 10 next week you’ll want to hit the ground running. The most important week is next week, especially since Thanksgiving was so late this year.
So what are we going to focus on?
Prospecting, communicating, and getting in front of year-end decision making. Before all the pageants and parties start and you lose your audience. If folks are going to engage, it’s next week and then probably the week around Christmas and New Years’.
Finalize your 2025 Scorecard.
Rinse and repeat your time off confirmations (you did this is November, right?). Check with your sales people, get their calendars set, and then check with your database. Who’s traveling into town and may want to tour? Can you get them in for a virtual before they’re in town just in case your sales person is going to be out of office?
Supporting end of year sales goals. If you’ve been proactive you should be very near your goals. Sometimes, despite all of our efforts, we aren’t. What kind of hail mary do you need? Can you and your sales team member work a previous prospect together? Who needs more appointments?
If you’re focusing on these things for the next 45 days, you’ve got it right.
Remember: you were hired into your role because of your talent and tenacity. Because you have the soft skills combined with technical instincts that propel your organizations sales funnel forward. You’ve more than got this.
Cheers to a little time away and kicking off the end of 2024!
Need a little help? We can get your scorecard up and ready to go for 2025. You can absolutely change your business if you manage your goals.
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